In round two of the final boxing fight of my career,
I got hit hard in the face.
My nose started pouring blood
The crowd went wild,
I could hardly see as the tears and sweat blinded me.
I only just made it through to the end of the round
And back in the safety of my corner, in those precious few seconds rest
I recovered just enough
To get back up and hold on for round 3.
As the final bell rung
I was bloodied and beaten
What got me through that fight was # resilience
But I have never fought again.

Contrast this experience to my three attempts to row the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand in the last 3 years.
Through storms, shark infested waters, multiple capsizes and wild scary seas
I have travelled 3,400km in my rowing boat
But each exhausting, terrifying attempt has ended back on the shores of Australia in failure
But rather than ending my human-powered exploration career
I have got stronger mentally, physically and with my processes and systems with each attempt
I have learnt so much each time
And I cannot wait to make my fourth attempt as soon as my new boat and preparations are ready
This is not about being resilient - this is about being ‘anti-fragile’.

For me ‘resilience’ is a short-term fix to get through tough times.
Whilst anti-fragility is a long term mindset to success.
The world's most powerful humans are not the most resilient.
They are the most anti-fragile.
Whilst resilience maybe on the forefront of many of our minds at this time.
I encourage you to not just think how many punches to the face you can take and still be standing.
But how you can adapt an ‘anti-fragile’ mindset and emerge stronger through this adversity and change.
If you would like to reach out and discuss how you or your teams can become 'anti-fragile' contact me at